Personal Services
Savings Accounts
All WMB Savings Accounts offer the following features:
Maximum Advantage Savings
- Minimum Balance to Open Account: $100.00
- Tiered interest rates:
Up to $9,999.99
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99
$25,000.00 - $99,999.99
$100,000.00 - Higher
- Interest paid monthly
- Six withdrawals per month at no charge or $2 per withdrawal after the sixth withdrawal
- Maintain $100 minimum or pay $3 per month
Money Market Advantage
- Minimum balance to open: $100.00
- Savings account with check writing privileges
- Tiered interest rates
Up to $9,999.99
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99
$25,000.00 - $99,999.99
$100,000.00 - Higher
- Free check image or email statements
- Maintain $1,000.00 minimum balance or pay $10 per month
- Six withdrawals per month at no charge or $5 per withdrawal after the sixth withdrawal
Growing up in a small town has taught me the importance of customer satisfaction with a personal touch. WMB treats its customers with genuine caring and a smile. At WMB no need is too small, no job is too big. That’s Why it’s
My Bank.
Dianne Reid, Teller, Bloomfield Office |